Master Thesis in Architecture at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Nominated for Forum AID Awards 2009, Best Student Work
By Ivar Lyngner and Audun Hellemo
The thesis' aim is to study correlations between political, international decisions and their local concequences - and how these decisions affect the position and potential of a place. The complex nature of current processes makes it even more important to understand the actual traces of previous processes, and to question how future processes might change today's situation.
A more intertwined world suggests a new understanding of contemporary cities. Urban planning is not only a result of local decisions - it could also be an interpretation of a relative position, given or taken. This position is partly defined by borders - when borders are blurred or moved, new conditions for development are created. Position and connections are not constants; the character and potential of a place depend on the ongoing processes, and the understanding of these.
The entire project is available online: Sunny Disposition
Teacher's comment:
Magne: I suspect you have a wish to make a difference